Weather in the Town of Oakland

Regular Town Board Meeting — Thursday, December 8, 2022 beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Webster Fire Hall

Town of Oakland Meeting


Notice is hereby given that a town meeting for the Town of Oakland in Burnett County in the State of Wisconsin, for transaction of business as is by law required or permitted to be transacted at such meeting, will be held at:


Webster Fire Hall

7420 Main St W, Webster WI 54893

November 10, 2022

7:00 p.m.




      1. Roll Call
      2. November 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
      3. November 2022 Treasurer’s Report
      4. November 2022 Invoices
      5. Requested Public Presentations
        1. Dick Hartman, Burnett County Economic Development Director – Lodging Tax
        2. Shelley Thielen – Strohbeen Request to Vacate Roads
        3. Mark Krause – Certified Survey Maps Needing Board Sign-off
      6. Old Business
        1. Resolution to Disallow Claim from North Camp Properties
        2. CCC Road Safety Concerns
        3. Building Inspector Replacement
        4. Clerk’s Office
      7. New Business
        1. 8 Month Operation Limit for Campgrounds – ATCP 79.11
        2. Clerk & Treasurer Performance Reviews
        3. Notification of Noncandidacy for 2023 Town Board Election
        4. 2022-2023 Snowplowing Contracts
        5. Constable Communication
        6. Town of Oakland Land Use Planning Committee Communication
        7. Future Town Hall Committee Communication
        8. Treasurer’s Communication
        9. Clerk’s Communication
        10. Supervisor’s Communication
        11. Chairman’s Communication
        12. Other Reports Pertaining to Town Business
      8. Next Meeting – January 12, 2023, Webster Fire Hall – 7:00 p.m.
      9. Adjourn



Signed Town of Oakland Clerk    Sherril Anderson

Dated:  12-7-2022