The Town of Oakland electors reaffirmed the Town Board’s authority to exercise Village Powers when they approved Resolution No. 2023-001 – Resolution Authorizing the Town of Oakland to Exercise Powers of a Village Board Under Wis. Stat. § 60.22(3) at the Town’s Annual Meeting held on April 20, 2023. The grant of village powers gives a Town Board discretion to adopt regulations to address public health, safety and welfare under the village chapter of the Wisconsin Statutes, ch. 61, even in instances when there is no othe explicit or implied statutory authority to do so. Village powers were given to the Board some years ago and reaffirmed at this time on the recommendation of the Town’s attorney. Contact Town Clerk, Sherril Anderson, for a complete copy of the resolution.
The Town Board signed off on Resolution No. 2023-002 — Resolution Discontinuing Isabell Street, William Avenue, Roy Avenue and 20-foot Alleyways at their Regular Board Meeting also held on April 20, 2023. This resoluiton vacates the named roads and alleyways adjacent to property located in the Plat of the Village of Yellow Lake. Contact Town Clerk, Sherril Anderson, for a complete copy of the resolution.