Weather in the Town of Oakland

Regular Town Board Meeting – July 11th, 2024 – 7:00 p.m. – Webster Fire Hall

Board Meeting Agenda
July 11th, 2024
Webster Fire Hall
7:00 p.m. – Following Public Hearings


  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call of Officers

  3. Approval of Agenda Order

  4. Approval of June 2024 Minutes

  5. Approval of June 2024 Invoices

  6. Requested Public Presentations

    1. Wagner Surveying – CSM Ron Olson

  7. Old Business

    1. Listing Agreement – Old Town Hall Sale

    2. Subdivision Ordinance

    3. Campground Ordinance

      1. Adoption of Campground Ordinance K2023-002

  8. New Business

    1. Constable Communication

    2. Town of Oakland Land Use Planning Committee Communication

    3. Future Town Hall Committee Communication

      1. Approval to Pay for Air Flow Engineering Company

      2. Move to New Building/Discontinue of Post Office Office
    4. Treasurer’s Communication

    5. Clerk’s Communication

      1. Contract for Lynn Shellenbarger Computer Security with Momentum Solutions

      2. Susan Shutt Request – Liquor License History

    6. Deputy Clerk’s Communication

    7. Supervisor’s Communication

    8. Chairman’s Communication

    9. Other Reports Pertaining to Town Business

  9. Next Meeting – August 8th, 2024, Webster Fire Hall, 7:00 p.m.

  10. Adjourn