Weather in the Town of Oakland

Meenon/Oakland Town Hall Committee Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, December 5th at 6:15 p.m. at the Meenon/Oakland Town Hall

Notice of Public Meeting

Town of Oakland, Burnett County, Wisconsin

Town of Oakland Town Hall Committee


The Town of Oakland Town Hall Committee invites all interested to join them at their meeting to be held at the

 Meenon/Oakland Town Hall
7456 Main St W, Webster WI 54893
December 5, 2023
6:15 p.m.



  1. Call meeting to order
  2. ADRC – discussion/action
  3. Discussion/Action regarding renovations to the building and time-line
  4. Internet Services
  5. Old/New business to be discussed and action if required
  6. Adjournment


Signed Town of Oakland Clerk    Sherril Anderson

Dated:   12-4-2023